The international Jury

Denis Gaucher
Executive Managing Director chez Kantar Media
Since joining Kantar in 1994, Denis Gaucher has held a number of management positions within Kantar, giving him a thorough understanding of the media world.
Appointed Global CIO of the Media division in 2002, he led the worldwide deployment of digital innovations and solutions. In 2010, he then led the merger of the creative monitoring, advertising investment and media planning activities in France to create a single entity focused on advertising innovation.
In 2013, he took over responsibility for the European advertising business.
Since 2017, Denis Gaucher is Executive Managing Director of Kantar Media in France.
He is a graduate of ESIEA.

Sophie Guérinet
Co-founder of ACT-Responsible
Sophie Guérinet is responsible for the content and selection of the best social and environmental campaigns that she identifies in the world. She is the link between agencies and associations.
She is also co-founder and leader of the Club NGAd, which brings together more than forty Communications Directors from the largest French associations.
She has served on the juries of several creative awards (Care Awards, Epica, NG'Ad Grand Cristal, Les Trophée de la Com and the Creative Awards) and is now delighted to join the jury of the Deauville Green Awards 2019.
Sophie is also a certified coach in professional accompaniment. Graduated in Sociology at Paris X and in Human Resources at IGS, she started her career in HR at Robert Laffont before joining AdForum in the USA in 2001 and ACT Responsible in 2006.

Professional Advertising Regulation Authority (ARPP)
Stéphane Martin
Managing Director at the Professional Advertising Regulation Authority (ARPP)
Stéphane started out as a presenter and programmer for "free" radio stations in Normandy.
After graduating from Sup de Pub, he joined Avenir France in 1990, then Avenir Europe as marketing director. From 1998 to 2010, Stéphane was deputy director of the Syndicat national de la publicité télévisée (SNPTV).
Since 2010, he has been Director General of the French Advertising Regulatory Authority (ARPP). In this capacity, he is a Director of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA), a member of the Marketing and Advertising Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and a Director of the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS).
He has also been Chairman of Thalie Santé since 2022, and a Director of the Présanse network.
He was also a director for 20 years of the Organisme Paritaire Collecteur devenu Opérateur de Compétences (AFDAS), particularly in the field of advertising.
Since July 2019, he has been a director of Media Institute, the leading training organization in digital communication, marketing and media.
He chairs La Fabrique des Formats, which brings together a range of monitoring, training and expertise services to support producers, and an investment fund dedicated to financing the creation and development of innovative format projects.
He is also a director of the Union francophone and a member of La Villa Numeris.

AEF Info group
Mylène Nétange
Director of PRODURABLE & Talents for the Planet, AEF info group
Trained as a logistics engineer, Mylène NETANGE has been federating networks around sustainable development and the social and environmental responsibility of organizations for nearly 20 years. She sets up and creates major events for the general public, business leaders, young people and women, bringing together thousands of people (PRODURABLE, Talents for the Planet, Earth University, Le Parlement des Entrepreneurs d'avenir, Le Parlement des Jeunes, Le Parlement du Féminin...).
Through targeted communications and collective intelligence, she coordinates the stakeholders involved in transforming society. Curious, adventurous and a fan of activities ranging from the great outdoors to mindfulness, from meditation to scuba diving, her leitmotiv is to give people the opportunity to see, hear and play, so that they can enjoy learning.

AXA France
Adelaïde Chassort
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication Coordination Manager at AXA France
Adélaïde has worked for about fifteen years in the media and communication sector, notably as a strategic planner at Publicis.
She also co-founded the Positive Media Project, a hybrid collective focused on finding more responsible advertising solutions. With a Master's degree in change management and an MBA in CSR and Sustainable Development, she now offers her expertise as a consultant in communication strategy related to CSR challenges. Currently, she coordinates CSR communications at AXA France.
Her motto: making what’s useful visible.

Laurent Setton
Senior civil servant in charge of sustainable development at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Previous Vice-President of "Public Communication"
Prefigurator, then first head of the Delegation for Information and Communication of the Social Ministries from 2005 to 2013, Laurent SETTON, enarque (1986, promotion Denis Diderot), began his career as deputy head, then head of the mission "Professional Insertion" at the Delegation for Employment in 1986.
Head of the "Employment Promotion" mission at the Delegation for Employment in 1990, he then left for the Ministry of Culture, Head of the Department of Public Affairs, Educational Action and Cultural Dissemination at the Direction des Musées de France in 1991, as part of his mobility.
Deputy Director of Communication at the Ministry of Employment from 1994 to 2001, he was then Deputy Head of the Department of Labor Relations at the same Ministry from 2001 to 2005.
He was head of the Information and Communication Department at the Ministry of Health and Solidarity from 2005 to 2007.
He has been a senior official in charge of sustainable development with the Secretary General of the Ministries in charge of Social Affairs since 2015 and also in charge of the functions of senior official for equal rights between women and men, with the same Secretary General since late 2017.
Since 2017, he has been organizing the General Secretariat's meetings for the agents of the ministries.
He was also administrator from 2005 to 2020 and Vice President from November 2014 to the end of 2020, of the association Communication Publique, which brings together nearly 250 heads of communication of institutions, local authorities and public organizations.
In this capacity, he was the coordinator since 2016 of the Entretiens de Communication Publique, which aim each year to highlight the role of communication in the definition and implementation of public policies.

Patrice Legendre
President of TOP COM
Patrice Legendre, Math-sup,Math-spé, graduated from the Institut Supérieur de Gestion in 78, started his professional life in the audiovisual industry.
From 1975 to 1988, he directed and produced with CLAPMEDIA numerous films for cinema (short and feature films), television (documentary series) and communication (corporate films). Awarded several times in national and international festivals, he won the Grand Prix of the Biarritz Festival in 86.
In 1984, he founded L'Expression d'entreprise, now TOP/COM EXPRESSION, a magazine specialising in communication and created the "dircom" brand, which he registered at the INPI.
In 1995, he took over the TOP/COM brand and transformed the Deauville trade fair into a Congress in Paris with two annual meetings. In January, the TOP/COM GRANDS PRIX Corporate Business deals with institutional communication. In October, the TOP/COM Consumer is devoted to brands and consumer products.
In 1999, in order to involve agencies and advertisers, he created the TOP/COM Grand Prix. Their originality lies in the fact that they concern all the communication professions and invite the winners of the TOP/COM GRANDS PRIX to defend their case orally before a jury of advertisers.
At the end of 2009, he took over the GIBORY brand which has three activities: recruitment and M&A consulting with TOP/COM GIBORY Search and M&A as well as agency selection consulting with GIBORY.
In 2017, he launches a new event, LES GRANDS PRIX LES ANNONCEURS DE L'ANNEE.

Magdalena Dulac
Philologue, in chagre of audiovisual at Colas
Philologue, in charge of audiovisual for the Colas Group (world leader in the construction, maintenance and upkeep of transport infrastructures). In this capacity, she monitors all of the Group's audiovisual productions, which have won more than twenty professional communication awards over the past ten years.

Marie Gabrié
Head of Delegations at AACC
A graduate of Celsa and holder of a Master's degree in Corporate and Institutional Communication, Marie Gabrié joined AACC in June 2010, as Delegation Manager. She was appointed Deputy Director in 2014, a position she holds today.
Previously, she was Head of Communications and Public Relations at Amaury Médias/Manchette Publicité from 2000 to 2007, after spending 10 years at Hachette Filipacchi Médias/ Interdeco Publicité as Advertising Project Manager, then Public Relations Manager. She began her career in 1986 as an assistant press officer in various press offices.

Valérie Houdyer
Managing Director at RSEDATANEWS
Valérie Houdyer began her career as a salesperson, event organizer and marketing manager for an IBM and Compact PC reseller-installer in the 90s.
After several years spent raising her three children, she turned to call center management and administration in the assistance and insurance sectors. (Mondiale Assistance, Société Générale, Metlife and MGEN)
She is the co-founder and Managing Director of RSEDATANEWS since 2018, a media dedicated to CSR, Sustainable Development, Governance and Green Finance professionals.

Sophie Roosen
Brand Impact Director at Union des Marques
Sophie Roosen has a dual expertise in both marketing/communication and CSR. After a first part of her career in an agency and then in an advertiser's office in marketing and communication functions, she specialized in the sustainable development sector since 2008. The question of the impact of companies and their business models on society quickly became a central theme in her work.
Certified B Leader, Sophie Roosen has been Marketing and Communication Director for Dr. Hauschka France (Wala Heilmittel GmbH) before joining B Lab Europe in the animation and development of the SDG Action Manager program, to integrate the CSR department of AXA France and to join the Union des marques team in 2021. Appointed Brand and Impact Director in February 2022. Her mission is to continue the profound transformations initiated in recent years to communities dedicated to building the brand, such as the marketing, influence and Insights communities. She will naturally continue to develop the Responsible Communication and Marketing community and its FAIRe program, which now has 47 signatory companies.

Santi Valldepérez
Documentary filmmaker, consultant and producer (Spain)
Degree in audiovisual communication from Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain, 2001). Master's student in communication management at BSM-UPF (2018-2019).
He holds a European Diploma in Documentary Production as part of the Eurodoc training program (2016). He is a founding member and managing director of Filmsnòmades, an audiovisual production company which, since 2008, has produced several award-winning TV reports, creative documentaries and commercials.
He played an important role in the execution of Terres Travel Festival - Films & Creativity (Tortosa, Spain), a member of CIFFT (Comité international des festivals de films de tourisme) since 2019. Since October 2016, he has run the communications consultancy PVS Media, specializing in communications support for tourism businesses. He is also a master's student in communication management at BSM - UPF (Barcelona, Spain).

Marie Gabrié
CSR Director at Mazars
After starting her international career in Germany, Australia and Spain over a 5-year period, Virginie Savina worked for a number of companies as a marketing, communications, business development and operations manager. Then, after 7 years with the Bouygues Group, and in particular with the Central Sustainable Development & QSE Department, she joined Mazars in 2024 as CSR Director.
Profoundly humanist and focused on "the Living", she has always believed that whatever position you hold, whatever sector you work in, whatever rank you hold, you can play your role as a Hummingbird and activate levers to make companies more committed to the issues that really matter.

Jean Marc Lebeaupin
Editor-in-Chief of artsixMic
Jean Marc Lebeaupin is the editor-in-chief of the online magazine artsixMic. Without a doubt, he works almost every day. Without a doubt, he doesn’t sleep, but he talks! artsixMic is a cultural, political, and general news site. The philosophy of artsixMic is based on teamwork and the richness of human potential, combined with the interactive potential of various sectors. By delivering high-quality, free, independent, and pluralistic information every day, artsixMic has become an essential platform for expression and information, allowing a wide audience to participate and form their own opinions about our world.

Nastassja Korichi
Events Manager at Cap'Com
Nastassja Korichi has a degree in political science. She began her career as a communications and events manager for research organizations and environmental protection associations.
At the beginning of 2013, she joined Cap'Com, the network of public and territorial communication. As head of events and the Grand Prix, she coordinates the programming, implementation and promotion of events and their content for communication directors from the public sector (local authorities, institutions and decentralized administrations). She also contributes to the analysis of trends, knowledge and expertise of the profession through business surveys and the annual organization of the Grand Prix de la communication publique et territoriale.

Birgit Heidsiek
Film journalist (Germany)
Birgit Heidsiek, a graduate in Political Science, works as a film/media journalist and film critic for publications such as the German film trade magazine Filmecho Filmwoche and the European online platform Cineuropa as well as for the daily newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, among others. In addition, she is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Green Film Shooting magazine and its accompanying website, established in 2012, which are devoted to sustainability in the film and media world.
She also teaches courses in the Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Technical Journalism departments at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, where she is a member of the faculty.

Interdisciplinary postdoctoral researcher
Timothée Fouqueray
Interdisciplinary postdoctoral researcher (climate-biodiversity)
Doctor in ecology, Timothée Fouqueray conducts research at the CNRS in Rennes in territorial prospective. It studies the adaptation of forest management to climate change, and the sustainable management of agricultural territories. To do this, it proposes interdisciplinary approaches that combine socio-economic analyses and modelling of the impacts of different ecosystem management practices. Concretely, this takes the form of participatory workshops where foresters, elected officials, farmers, and of course inhabitants gather around a digital mapping of the forest or agro-systems (eg: serious games).
Because of his interest in interdisciplinarity, Timothée is also involved in dialogues between research and society, particularly through art. It focuses on these topics in the evaluation of the Intergovernmental Science and Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) on transformative change, or in collaborations with Quebec artists ("Social Climate" project of UQO).

Jutta Scheffer
Journalist, Euronews (Germany)
Jutta Scheffer, began her career as a german journalist with the public broadcaster ARD. In 2000, she joined the editorial staff of the German service of Euronews in Lyon and became Head of Publishing and Producer. Currently in charge of external editorial relations at Euronews, she is in charge of programme and image sales, co-productions and programme exchanges with shareholder and partner channels.

Sandrine Guenand-Gallienne
General Manager at "Les Acteurs du Possible"
Sandrine started her career in an advertising agency, then moved on to the media and audiovisual production. She founded her own company Ad'hoc communication and refocused on her values and committed herself to the subjects that were dear to her heart: accompanying people to work and live better together.
Today she accompanies change in many contexts; she contributes to awareness and training on topics such as quality of life at work, prevention of psycho-social risks, benevolent management and leadership.
She is the initiator of the endowment fund Les Acteurs du Possible, a positive media of general interest. The Fund is also a community of sharing that allows everyone to find solutions to live better. Its contents highlight people committed to health, well-being, dignity, inclusion, solidarity economy... for themselves, their loved ones, their employees, their students, the planet.

Virginie Lauret
Eco-production manager for Jabu Jabu production
Virginie Lauret is responsible for eco-production at Jabu-Jabu production. The first French production company to have opened a center for eco-responsible support on its own shoots but also on the shoots of other productions.
Its main field of intervention is the social and eco-responsible accompaniment as well as the realization of carbon footprint for cinematographic and audiovisual shootings.
Although cinema is the heart of her missions, her professional background also allows her to intervene to propose trainings, analyses as well as reports and accompaniments on sustainable development in the field of artistic and cultural events (festivals, concerts, live shows, cultural structures) as well as with communities.

Catherine Reichert
Positive impact communication
Catherine Reichert has spent most of her career in international groups in the tech and digital world. After having gained experience in marketing functions, Catherine turned to communication and took the digital train. Catherine was thus responsible for public relations for Monster's Southern Europe before taking over as head of Yahoo's corporate communications team for France and then Southern Europe. Catherine comes from CELSA.
She is very involved in the field of diversity and more specifically in gender equality. Catherine has never stopped strengthening her commitment by putting her convictions and expertise at the service of this cause. In 2017, she will manage the communication of La Journée de la Femme Digitale. Member of the steering committee of Toutes Femmes Toutes Communicantes, the women's network of Com-Ent, one of the most important associations of communication professions in France, she contributes to the elaboration and distribution of the Kit for a non-sexist communication and to the organisation of the 1st day against sexism.
Passionate about social issues, Catherine is convinced of the fundamental and strategic role that communication plays in the transformation of societies and businesses. A fervent advocate of diversity as a major source of progress, Catherine is convinced that everyone can, at their own level, play a role and make the world evolve positively.

Rodney Rascona
Within a three decade long pro-advertising career, Rodney has created poignant film and photography for the past 20 years across the globe in support of international groups working to find sustainable solutions to challenging issues. He's been tasked with creating strong story and equally strong aesthetic - trusted in covering some of the 21st century’s most pressing global issues to include [2004 Southeast Asia Tsunami, the 2010 Haitian earthquake, the Somali/Kenya exodus, Ethiopian Famine, HIV/AIDS in East Africa, Kenya’s Ongoing Drought, Post-Genocide Rwanda, Women's Rights in Congo, Philippines typhoon Haiyan, Global Women's Health, Gender Equality to STEM/STEAM educational initiatives], consistently delivering frame-by-frame impact for clients from NGOs to the United Nations Foundation on international development, relief and advertising productions.
Rodney's assignments have stretched from Latin America to East Africa, the Indian Sub-Continent to Indochina with multiple projects throughout all regions,from the jungles of Cambodia to the arid desert lands of northern Kenya – remote locations along tributaries of the Amazon to conflict zones in Congo. Rodney enjoys dual disciplines as an award winning, recognized Photographer and Documentary film Director, working with known brands within the corporate marketing and communications sectors, both agency driven and client direct.

Catherine Puiseux Kakpo
President pf the African Agency for Sustainable Development
Catherine PUISEUX-KAKPO coordinates the corporate social responsibility approach for the TF1 group, which she joined in 1995.
For the Group, she has led several cross-disciplinary initiatives related to change management, the introduction of Quality and Risk Management. In 2005, she set up the corporate social responsibility approach, and has since been developing issues specific to the media. It initiated the setting up of two sector-based collectives: Ecoprod, to develop the ecology of filming, and the CSR Media Forum.
She holds a Master 2 "Sustainable Development Strategies and Corporate Social Responsibility". She is personally involved in the Parisian cooperative supermarket project La Louve, and in the promotion of sustainable development in Africa.

World Health Organization
Isabelle Hugues-Wachsmuth
Project manager Art Impact For Health, World Health Organization
Isabelle WACHSMUTH, MSc, MPH is an expert in multi-sectoral institutional and human capacity building with 23 years of experience in an international network promoting and implementing knowledge management and collaborative intelligent solutions in both high and low income countries. She was Director of international advanced technology projects in private sector.
She is currently responsible of the project Art Impact For Health (to contribute to Health For All) under the leadership of WHO General Director and manages for WHO several projects at the Universal Health Coverage and Life course Division, like the initiative Linguistic Collaborations through the networking and animation of Health Information For All Forums.
She has contributed to several emergent areas in health system like genomic, palliative care, use of science in the improvement of healthcare service delivery, quality of care, health innovation, integrated people centred approaches and community engagement. Previously, she was project and communication manager of EVIPNet (Evidence Informed Policy Network) at the Knowledge Ethic and Research Department at WHO Headquarter for 7 years, designing and bringing to life its social network for helping policy-makers to make better decisions based on evidence and to establish sustainable partnerships and collaboration with others stakeholders. She has worked with the implementation of knowledge management and e-learning platforms for others projects in WHO and previously Vivendi Universal. She had also worked for UN Economic Commissions on Public private partnerships and renewable energies solutions.

Pauline Gil
Ecoproduction manager
After studying production and directing in the South of France, Pauline Gil decided to specialize in ecoproduction in 2018, completing a civic service at Ecoprod. In 2018, she also completed her first project as ecoproduction manager on the CANAL + series L'Effondrement. At the time, she was the first person to be hired as an ecoproduction manager in France.
After two years with Ecoprod, she decided to devote herself to filming, becoming an ecoproduction manager on a temporary basis, where she was in charge of large-scale production for TV series such as Germinal for Banijay France, Toutes ces choses qu'on ne s'est pas dites CANAL + and others.
Today, she is also a trainer for various ecoproduction certification courses, as well as for organizations such as INA, La Ciné Fabrique, and film schools like La Fémis, Sciences Po, EICAR, 3is...

Jean-Baptiste Nicolas
Founder and President of Hello Planet
Specialist in Communication and Content Production. Former Marketing Manager for Canal+.
For 10 years, Producer and Director with several awards to his credit, with more than 400 films for TV, advertising, web series, corporate and environment.
Member of several associations related to the education of underprivileged children and the environment.

A Better Prod
Marie Azancot
Head of Fiction and Documentaries at A Better Prod
After several years in new media production (VR/AR), Marie Azancot turned to distribution (La 25eme heure). In need of a more hands-on approach, she then worked on film sets as a stage manager.
She worked on a series of fiction projects (Cheyenne Fédération, Chi-Fou-Mi Productions, Bonne Pioche) before becoming involved in the societal and environmental transition of film shoots. Motivated by a personal ecological conscience, she became Eco-Referent on short projects (Don Quichotte Films, 21 Juin Cinéma) as well as on long-term series projects (Apple TV, Amazon Studios).
She joined A Better Prod in 2023, and is currently Head of Fiction and Documentaries.

Stephan Kriesel
Government advisor on sustainable economic growth and government reform (Germany/ Spain)
Stephan has served and advised more than 15 Prime Ministers and Presidents in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East & North Africa region on their national plans for zero carbon transition, as well as on questions of socio-economic development and modernisation of government. He is currently Senior Advisor with the Boston Consulting Group and at the board of AWR Lloyd. Before that, Stephan was the global head of the Tony Blair Government Advisory Group, associate partner with McKinsey & Co, as well as a consultant with the World Bank and the HIID.
Stephan has a foundation that plans to build a kind of "audiovisual Wikipedia for culturally endangered tribes and communities". Its objective is to collect, produce and provide digital access to cultural knowledge, traditions and practices for those communities who often rely on oral transmission and visual memories of their intangible cultural assets and whose cultures are today threatened through rapid social and environmental change.
Stephan has PhD in Theology from the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and an MPA in International Development from the Harvard Kennedy School. He also studied filmmaking and photography at the New York Film academy and the IED Madrid.

Fondations des Transitions
Gilles Berhault
General Manager for the Fondations des Transitions
A leader in the non-profit sector, an expert on transitions, and a speaker dedicated to scaling action in response to major societal challenges.
Founder and former CEO of Stop Energy Exclusion.
Former president of Comité 21, the France Pavilion at the 2012 Rio Earth Summit, Solutions COP21 (Grand Palais 2015), the MedCop of Tangier 2016, and the Fondation des Transitions.
Author of works on sustainable development, digital technologies, transitions, and green IT, including Propriétaires et artistes ? Manifeste pour une écologie de l’être (ed. de l’Aube), Un autre monde est possible (ed. de l’Aube), Nouveaux mythes, nouveaux imaginaires pour un monde durable (ed. Les petits matins).
He is also a speaker, editorialist, and consultant.

Naiade Plante
A childhood cradled and impregnated by the sea and adventure, by the open sea and the horizon have surely led me to appreciate the medium of photography with this desire clinging to my heart to bear witness to what makes sense for the best in a complex world and to bear witness to all its beauties! Contemplative, and admiring that life is a miracle!
In 1996, I trained in photography at the Iris Center and in audiovisual at the Sorbonne in Paris. I obtained the 1st Rolleiflex Prize. For seven years, I organized the Off of the Festival Chroniques Nomades in Honfleur as artistic director. In 1998, I travelled through India for the association Aide et Action, and captured the work of NGOs in favor of the schooling of underprivileged children. These photographic emotions mark the beginning of my professional career. Institutional commissions, reports, weddings, portraits and advertising shots enrich my experience.
After several years shared between India and France, with family and passion, I rest my bags in Normandy.

Cité des sciences et de l’industrie
Frédéric Poisson
Program Director at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
After several years at the head of an eco-museum dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of forest heritage, Frédéric Poisson's career at Universcience (Cité des sciences et de l'industrie and Palais de la Découverte in Paris) has taken him from scientific animation to exhibition design at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie. He then held the position of programme director in charge of cultural programming at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie.
He is now Director of the Delegation for Major Development Projects and Sustainable Development and is in charge of implementing major renovation projects for the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie and the Palais de la découverte, as well as the institution's social responsibility policy.
He also manages cultural engineering missions both in France and abroad, in the context of the renovation or creation of cultural and educational centres dedicated to science and innovation.

Korina Gutsche
Green Consulting at BLUECHILDFILM (Germany)
Korina Gutsche is a "green" consultant, teacher, speaker and advocate for sustainability and environment in media production since 2012. Korina teaches seminars for professionals and students on sustainable filmmaking throughout Germany and also works freelance as a production manager. Korina's professional habitat is nature and environmental film festivals, drawing attention to global issues through films such as the global climate crisis and achieving the 17 sustainability goals. Korina has over 30 years of experience as a project manager, environmental engineer and communications expert. When she was a student, she was an activist for the grassroots green movement "Ark", contributing to the creation of the Green Party in the former GDR (East Germany). In 2018 and 2019, she focused on transforming German art cinemas into more environmentally friendly organizations. From 2014 to 2019, she initiated and taught youth film workshops on green storytelling and climate-friendly film production, winning the GREEN SCREEN award, "Green Junior Report" in 2018. From 2013 to 2019, Korina curated green "Bike-screenings" at the UFA Fabrik Berlin and the CINEMARE International Ocean Film Festival. Korina serves on various sustainability panels and is a jury member of several film festivals. She is an advocate for peace, biodiversity and ocean conservation. Her motto is: We like to make sustainable films.

French Tech Unicorn Exotec
Nicolas Hunsinger
Director of Sustainable Development
French Tech Unicorn Exotec
Holding both a MBA from ESSEC Business School and a MSc from Mines ParisTech, Nicolas Hunsinger has developed an expertise at the crossroads of Sustainability, Tech and Media, by combining strategy, innovation and change management.
As Chief Sustainability Officer at French tech unicorn Exotec, and previously at gaming giant Ubisoft, he has developed a science-based and business-driven practice of Sustainability which enables to create new value propositions.
After starting his career at Warner Bros, Nicolas joined Ubisoft in 2014, where he executed a comprehensive sustainability strategy and carbon footprint reduction. Ubisoft was the first video game pure player to get its 2030 reduction target validated by the Science-Based Target initiative. In partnership with the United Nations Environment Program, he engaged Ubisoft studios in raising players’ awareness of environmental issues in 17 major games. As a result, the game Riders Republic gathered thousands of players in the first ever Climate March to take place in a video game. With an overall reach of 60 million players, Ubisoft raised about half a million euros for NGOs and planted 1,5M trees.
Nicolas’ passion for impact entertainment led him to launch Project Trojan, an initiative designed to support the development of video games with an environmental component and a mass-market potential. With a worldwide audience of 3 billion players, video games have a unique potential to raise awareness and inspire people to take action against climate change.
Nicolas’ expertise led him to be invited to talk at the European Parliament and to collaborate with research bodies and think tanks like La Fabrique des Récits, Project Drawdown, Carbon Trust and ADEME, the French agency for ecological transition. He is laureate of the Palmares Giverny x Le Point 2023 recognizing the achievements of 50 leaders under the age of 40 who contribute to accelerating the ecological and social transformation of France.

Kévin Lheritier
Journaliste MEDIA +
Kevin Lheritier has been a journalist for Media+, a daily newspaper for media professionals, for five years. In charge of the interview section, he closely follows the evolution of the sector. Present for the third year at the Deauville Green Awards, he takes advantage of this moment to exchange with the different actors, broadcasters, producers, and project leaders.

Audrey Quoturi
Ecoproduction Manager, VHSS Referent and teacher at the EAC
Previously an actress (cinema and audiovisual) voiceover and TV host/columnist for LCN (now BFM Normandie) Demain TV, MCE and Amel TV.
Recently, she has been working with EAC students in Master 1 and 2 "Management of Audiovisual Organizations"
She joined the 50/50 collective and is a member of Crew United, Nausicä and Toiles Vertes.

Franck Ginisty
President of "Les Hommes Fourmillent"
Franck is a change agent committed to promoting the emergence of learning communities of learning communities and co-evolution processes with the living world.
Since the creation of the association "Les Hommes Fourmillent" in 2008, of which he is one of the of which he is one of the co-founders, he has been cultivating projects at the crossroads of the economy, the promotion of planetary health, the good life and the arts in common. arts in common.
A graduate of Grenoble Alpes University and the Ecole Supérieure en Design Industrial Design in Paris, he produces, coordinates and implements experiential devices of to support the power of action and the resilience of individuals, and/or organizations in the face of climatic, ecological, sanitary or social phenomena. or social phenomena.
This interdisciplinary researcher is a diplomat of the FRENE network and a member of GRAINE Normandie.
He is a certified practitioner in emotional intelligence, positive and relational psychology, he is a geographer of the messy space, of its redirection and of the techno-sphere disarray.
He is also a fervent advocate of learning and the implementation of generous reciprocity.
Actor of the accompaniment to changes, he aspires to redraw the contours of a new geopolitics to be invented ... to sketch collectively some future ethnographies, whether it be through a short film, a feature film and other collaborative work spaces.

Mohamed Settar
Director / Director of the international festival of environmental films in Chefchaouen (Morocco)
University trained, professor at the Ministry of National Education, general secretary of the ATED Association, holder of numerous diplomas in various fields (cinema, education and associative work). Director of award-winning educational short films, he has also made numerous reports on environmental and educational issues. Jury member in many festivals (cinema and theater). Trainer in various fields (cinematographic, educational and social). Certified consultant on the production and filming of interactive and digital (educational) courses.

Pascal Moret
Film festival programer, consultant and critic
Pascal Moret is associated with the adventure of La Belle Société Production in order to give himself the means to make films on themes that engage him with the general public. He has always worked for scientific culture because he knows how Science and Nature are linked and necessary to each other. He has always worked for business.
His developments focus on nature, bio-inspiration and sustainable development, new technologies and the transmission of knowledge.
He co-produced and directed :
-Le nanomonde, les pouvoirs cachés de la nature, a transmedia project composed of a documentary, a web series and a VR360 for broadcasting by Arte diffusion, UshuaiaTV, UniversciencesTV, Via Occitanie. He thanks Serge Berthier and Bernd Shorllhom for their scientific expertise in the development of the project.
-Employment and Cancer - A digital platform composed of a series of portraits on good professional practices during treatment for the Ligue contre le cancer,
-On behalf of Easyrecrue, they produce digital series useful for the promotion of Human Resources of several accounts.
He thanks all those who trusted him: Le Salon d'Automne, Easyrecrue, La ligue contre le cancer, Unverscience TV, CNRS, INSERM, France Télévision Éducation, CEEBIOS, Mairie de Senlis, Biomimicry Europa.
The teaser of his documentary project: Le Nanomonde , les pouvoirs cachés de la nature
He is a member of the Association Science et Télévision, a member of the SCAM, a member of the Cie des Réals.

Marion Semblat
President and Founder of Time for The Ocean
Marion Semblat began her career in the professional press sector and then joined the Pictet Wealth Management bank in Paris, which she chose for its pioneering commitment to sustainable investment strategies that meet the new environmental challenges.
In parallel, Marion Semblat became involved in environmental protection in 2010.
In 2017, Marion Semblat created the non-profit association Time for the Ocean, with the aim of raising awareness among the general public and mainly the younger generation, to promote exchanges, to highlight knowledge and expertise and to create the conditions for an interaction between Art and the Environment. To do this, she created an annual event, the 24 hours for the Oceans festival at the Franciscaines de Deauville, and created the Sea Art movies documentary series as producer and co-author directed by Maud Baignères.
Driven by total conviction and passion, Marion Semblat has been producing and collaborating since 2019 on the creation of the SEA ART documentary art series as president of Time for the Ocean. The series aims to raise awareness among a wide audience by making them aware of the urgency to preserve our oceans. In SEA ART, it is the artists who speak to us about ecology, through their works and their approaches.
In 2022, at the Franciscaines de Deauville, she received Prince Albert II of Monaco, President of his foundation Prince Albert II of Monaco.
She was appointed member of the board of directors of the Albert II of Monaco Foundation for the preservation of the planet.
She is currently working on the constitution of a catalog of Art and Environment contents: documentary films, podcasts, exhibitions.

Member of the Popular Cinéma of the Cinemas "Les studios de Tours".

Sophie Mauger
Marketing consultant, teacher at Paris Saclay University
Sophie Mauger is a specialist in Brand Communication and Strategy. She was Media Director at Dentsu and International Advertising Manager at Guerlain and Hermès.
She teaches Marketing at the University of Paris Saclay. Convinced that current environmental and societal challenges are sources of creativity and opportunities for brands, she seeks to promote responsible practices in her teaching.

Alice Pigné
Eco-production manager
After ten years on film sets as an assistant director, Alice Pigné had the opportunity at the end of 2022 to join the eco-production sector. A revelation! Concerned by environmental issues, and above all committed to the idea of rational consumption and a more thoughtful way of working, this mission was for her. Eco-production manager for a Netflix series, then for a TV movie with A Prime Group, she is currently shooting a 6x52-minute series in Lyon, produced by Itinéraire Productions & UGC.
From an early age, Alice had a passion for theater and cinema. She started out as an extra, then went on to work in a film canteen from the age of 17. She was then trained in video editing and documentary magazine production during her studies, and already wearing several hats in the audiovisual sector, Alice was able to dabble in a bit of everything in the industry. After 2 years in Canada and a shoot for Warner Bros. on the Batwoman series, in 2022 she worked in the Luberon region as events coordinator for the famous American arts school SCAD, helping to organize the institution's 20th anniversary around film festivals, an animation festival and a fashion exhibition.
Also a nature and mountain enthusiast, it's clear to her that this new transition in the cultural sector, in line with her core values, is a challenge she wants to be part of. At the end of 2023, Alice was invited to discuss the eco-referent profession during Netflix Tuesdays with Leslie Thomas, Secretary General of the CNC, and Pervenche Beurrier, Director of Écoprod. A member of the Les Toiles Vertes collective, and of Nausicä, Alice is now keen to multiply her action levers.

Émilie Kovacs
Editor-in-Chief at TheGood
Émilie Kovacs has been a journalist and reporter for 15 years, specializing in sustainable development and the responsible economy. She leads numerous conferences on the ecological transition and speaks on radio and television on this topic. In 2016, she founded EKOPO, a media outlet specializing in the positive economy, which was sold to the NetMedia group in December 2021.
In 2018, she published "Journalisme de Solutions ou la révolution de l'information" (Solutions Journalism or the information revolution), published by Librinova, a journalistic method she teaches during training courses for professional journalists. She is the patron and president of the jury for the Young Reporters for the Environment competition organized by the Terragir association.
Since September 2022, she has been editor-in-chief of The Good, a media expert in the ecological transition of companies and territories (INfluencia group), which publishes a weekly newsletter, a quarterly magazine and organizes four mornings of conferences each year (The Good Forum).

Laurent Delcayrou
Project Manager, The Shift Project
An agronomist engineer and economist by training, Laurent Delcayrou has been passionate about regional development policies in France and around the world for 30 years. Their capacity to meet the present and future needs of their inhabitants, their effects on social inequalities and local resources…
For the past three years, he has led the «Strategies for Territorial Resilience» program of The Shift Project, a Think Tank specialized in energy transition. He co-founded the firm eurêka21, dedicated to European territorial cooperation and outstanding ecological transition practices in Europe.
Amateur comedian not very gifted but persevering, he loves rugby and Bruce Springsteen, the Parisian life and his friends in the countryside.

Caroline Darmon
CSR Director of Publicis France
After almost 20 years with the Havas group and then Publicis, Caroline was appointed CSR Director of Publicis Conseil in 2016, a new position within the agency that has been moving towards CSR for some time.
In 2019, following the recognition of Publicis Conseil's CSR expertise, Caroline was appointed CSR Director of Publicis France, a new position creation. She is in charge of accelerating the CSR commitment in the 26 entities and with the 4500 employees of Publicis in France.
In addition, Caroline is VP of the AACC CSR Commission, a member of the CPP and Director of the 5th year Responsible Marketing and CSR Master's program at Sup de Pub from 2019 to 2022.

Guillaume Lyonnais
Operations manager at Spicee
Guillaume Lyonnais is Director of Operations at Spicee, a 100% documentary streaming platform. In charge of acquisitions and partnerships, he was previously responsible for the international distribution of documentaries at Sideways Film and cinema films at Studiocanal and TF1 Studio (Newen Studios).
He is also involved in the development of Spicee's new educational offering, Spicee éduc.
This is a digital offering unique in France: it provides teachers and trainers with video content and educational sheets devoted to awakening critical thinking and combating misinformation.

Théo Nepipvoda
Independant journalist
Théo Nepipvoda is a journalist with Carenews, the media for those involved in commitment. He focuses on people and companies who are making a daily commitment to the planet and society.
CSR, the social economy, environmental solutions... Whether in print or via podcasts and videos, he highlights the solutions offered by the various players, without neglecting to cast a critical eye on them.
A lover of cinema, he is interested through his writings in the production of new narratives with the aim of raising awareness and creating new imaginaries compatible with planetary limits.

Sophie Bacry Picciotto
Screenwriter, director, author, actress
A screenwriter, director and playwright, Sophie Bacry Picciotto is also an actress. Through acting, she has developed a desire to go further in the creation of characters and plots, and to train herself to write meaningful stories. After writing two plays, including TOUT LE MONDE PEUT SE TROMPER, a comedy nominated for the Prix Auteur 2014 by the Bajen Foundation, and collaborating on various projects (feature films and series), her pen was inspired by women aged 50 and their power of seduction.
The result is the short film VIRTUAL ATTRACTION (Pixaway Production-2018) in which the director has the pleasure of directing Florence Pernel. The film, which was selected at various festivals, encouraged the author-director to commit herself more fully to writing her own projects and defending themes that are close to her heart both in life and on screen.
As a result, she produced TOUS LES TROIS JOURS, an advert denouncing domestic violence against women. Sophie co-directs two films with Ophélie Koering, L'INTERDIT and DANS L'OMBRE, about the dangers of a world without culture, written by Laura Pélerins about citizenship and the duty to assist. Currently, with Ophélie Koering, co-writing two original series projects. Following the example of this exciting opportunity, Sophie Bacry Picciotto hopes to multiply the number of fruitful encounters around her personal projects as well as around commissioned projects.

Claire Mavrakakis
Director of Branding Consulting at Impact
A graduate of Ecole Supérieure de Commerce, Claire began her career in marketing development at L'Oréal Coiffure and then Imperial Tobacco. She then joined the design agency CBA, where she helped expand the Luxury Cosmetics Department, eventually becoming Director of the division.
After developing her expertise in this industry, she joined Pixelis, a branding for Good agency pioneering CSR, B Corp since 2015 and alumni of the first Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat in 2021. Her role is to develop international branding strategies and support companies in their sustainable transformation. Innovation, design and storytelling towards new imaginaries are 3 key levers for taking action, making new business models useful and desirable.
Claire has also lectured in fashion strategy at Créapole, and works regularly with the IFS - Institut des Futurs Souhaitables-, a school of prospective desirability and specialist in Biomimicry. She is deeply committed to the challenges of the living world, and runs a workshop using the "Entreprendre pour le Vivant" tool, co-created with Comuna (Festival "Agir pour le Vivant" in Arles), IFS and Pixelis.
Her conviction: Make the shift to a regenerative economy irresistible.

The Shifters
Vincent Tcheng
Coordinator of the Europe Division at The Shifters
A graduate of the Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Vincent worked in the banking sector in Belgium and France before embarking on an international career in Asia, the Middle East and the USA. His specialty: international trade finance, with a particular focus on commodities and energy. He also had the opportunity to work on the implementation of ESG criteria in the credit process when working for the American subsidiary of a French banking group.
Back in France since the summer of 2022, he has settled on the Côte Fleurie. In 2023, as part of a BNP Paribas Group skills sponsorship program, he joined the Shift Project, a think tank dedicated to the energy transition. His mission is twofold: to coordinate the European pole and to promote the resilience of territories in the face of climate change and the increasing scarcity of fossil fuels. He is also a member of The Shifters association, which supports The Shift Project's activities to further the decarbonization of the French economy.

Delphine Bourgeois
Head of Commitment and Heritage at Sacem
With a degree in information and communication, Delphine spent a short time in an advertising agency, before quickly turning to entertainment. After several years in TV production (M6, M6 music, Allociné, Canalsat...), she turned mainly to music. It was while working as administrator of SMOM rehearsal studios that she came into contact with various artists, leading her to become a manager and publisher of French-speaking artists.
Wishing to work at the very heart of the music industry, she decided to join Sacem in 2014 to help bring to life those who make you dream. Since this year, she has joined the new Engagement department as Engagement and Heritage Manager.

Lidia Terki
Director and screenwriter
Lidia LeBer Terki is a French director and screenwriter. Before directing her own films, she successively held several positions in the film industry: from set design to production, from assistant to director.
Her first short film, MAL DE VILLE, won the Prix Spécial du Jury and a mention in the Prix de la Presse at the Festival de Pantin in 1998, before touring a number of French and foreign festivals. Other short films she co-produced followed: NOTRE PÈRE (2000), MAINS COURANTES (2001) selected at the Telluride Festival and La MIRADOR presented at the Pantin Festival, the Rencontres Internationales de Dignes les Bains and the British Film Institute. She co-directed and produced LE PROJET SEXTOY / SEXTOY'S STORIES (2014), two documentaries on the Parisian electronic scene of the late 90s, through the portrait of Delphine Palatsi, aka DJ Sextoy, a pioneer who died in 2002.
Her first feature-length fiction film, PARIS LA BLANCHE (ARP- 2017) won the Prix Jean-Claude Brialy at the Festival Premiers Plans D'Angers, the Prix Alice Guy for Best Director in 2018, the Prix du Jury France Bleu and the Prix d'Interprétation Féminine for its lead actress, Tassadit Mandi at the Festival International du Film de Saint-Jean-de-Luz. Currently, Lidia LeBer Terki, is in production on her second feature film and developing two other projects.
She teaches image education in schools in France and abroad (China, Algeria, Chile, Iran) and has taught directing in film classes at the Cours Florent (2019/2021). Script expert committee: Occitanie Region / Nuits Med Corse / Correction of La Fémis international competition / Co-creator of the residency "l'Intention au cinéma : 4 courts 1 long" in the Var in July 2024 at Carqueiranne.

Sonia Delhaye
Writer, script-doctor and director
Sonia Delhaye is a screenwriter, script-doctor and director. Her work has been recognized at festivals in France and abroad, with support from the Centre national de la cinématographie, Région Ile de France, Film fund Luxembourg and the Turkish Ministry of Culture. Mainly motivated by social and ecological issues, she believes that immersive tools are capable of bringing about a profound emotional change. That's why in recent years she has also turned her attention to new XR technologies. An active player in the social economy, she is also a public speaking trainer with the Eloquentia association (by Coopérative Indigo).

Axel Diverrez
CSR manager of Federation Studios
After several years working as an engineer in the cosmetic and food industries, Axel Diverrez gradually shifted towards roles related to social and environmental transition.
Passionate about cinema and audiovisual media, he began training in eco-production at the beginning of 2023 and worked as a CSR project manager at Newen Studios before becoming the eco-referent at the JLA Group.
In January 2024, he became the CSR manager of Federation Studios.
In parallel, Axel is a facilitator for the Climate Fresk, actively involved in the Culture Prioritaire association, and passionate about music and rock climbing.

Accounting in Europe
Anne Jeny
Assistant editor at Accounting in Europe
Anne Jeny holds a PhD in management from HEC Paris and joined the IESEG School of Management after 18 years as a professor at ESSEC Business School. She is the Associate Editor-in-Chief of Accounting in Europe and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting. She has published numerous articles in prestigious academic journals (such as European Accounting Review, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Journal of Accounting Literature, and The International Journal of Accounting) and books on topics such as financial analysis, digitalization of the financial profession, valuation of intangible assets, audit quality, and gender studies.

Gautier Willion
Producer at Mokafilms
Gauthier began his career as an assistant director before transitioning into production within corporate communication agencies.
He then progressed to roles as a production manager and later an executive producer in the world of TV programs and magazines for national channels.
He subsequently joined the Havas Group and then the Les Échos – Le Parisien group, producing audiovisual and digital formats for brand communications.
Today, with his company Mokafilms, he produces films for businesses, with the goal of continuing to develop projects that focus on solidarity and highlight the human element.

Resilience Montagne
Valérie Paumier
President and Founder of Resilience Montagne
Coming from the other side of the mirror with a career abroad (Africa, Hong Kong, Geneva in the fields of finance, tourism, and real estate development), Valérie Paumier was primarily responsible for developing the business for which she now seeks to raise awareness, as they increase the vulnerability of mountain territories in the face of climate change.
Mountains, being true sentinels of the climate, just like oceans, Valérie founded the association Resilience Montagne which aims to raise awareness about the climate drift in mountain areas, work on and imagine a different model, and create new narratives for mountain territories and valleys.