The international Jury

Spot - Messages courts de sensibilisation
Denis Gaucher
Denis GaucherExecutive Managing Director Kantar Media
Sophie Guérinet
Sophie GuérinetCo-founder of ACT-Responsible
Stéphane Martin
Stéphane MartinManaging Director
Professional Advertising Regulation Authority (ARPP)
Mylène Nétange
Mylène NétangeDirector of PRODURABLE and Talents for the Planets
AEF Info group
Info - Films d'information, médias audiovisuels des collectivités, entreprises et ONGS
Adélaïde Chassort
Adélaïde ChassortCSR & Communication Coordination Manager 
AXA France
Laurent Setton
Laurent SettonGeneral Administrator Ministry of Social Affairs
Patrice Legendre
Patrice LegendrePresident of TOP COM
Magdalena Dulac
Magdalena DulacPhilologue, in charge of audiovisual Colas
Marie Gabrié
Marie GabriéHead of delegations
Valérie Houdyer
Valérie HoudyerGeneral Manager
Sophie Roosen
Sophie RoosenBrand Impact Director Union des Marques
Santi Valldepérez
Santi ValldepérezDocumentary filmmaker, consultant and producer (Spain)
Virginie Savina
Virginie SavinaCSR director
Jean Marc Lebeaupin
Jean Marc LebeaupinEditor-in-Chief artsixMic
Info - Films d'information, médias audiovisuels des collectivités, entreprises et ONGS
Pascal Grihault
Pascal GrihaultDirector of the "Génération Durable" Film Festival
Nastassja Korichi
Nastassja KorichiEvents Manager
Birgit Heidsiek
Birgit HeidsiekFilm Journalist (Germany)
Timothée Fouqueray<br>
Timothée Fouqueray
Interdisciplinary postdoctoral researcher
Jutta Scheffer
Jutta SchefferJournalist, Euronews (Germany)
Sandrine Guenand-Gallienne
Sandrine Guenand-GallienneGeneral Manager
Les Acteurs du Possible
Virginie Lauret
Virginie LauretEco-production manager
Jabu-Jabu production
Catherine Reichert
Catherine ReichertPositive impact communication
Rodney Rascona
Rodney RasconaDirector (UK)
Catherine Puiseux Kakpo
Catherine Puiseux KakpoPresident of the African Agency for Sustainable Development
Isabelle Hugues-Wachsmuth
Isabelle Hugues-WachsmuthProject manager Art Impact For Health
World Health Organization
Pauline Gil
Pauline GilEcoproduction manager
Jean-Baptiste Nicolas
Jean-Baptiste NicolasFounder and President Hello Planet
Marie Azancot
Marie AzancotHead of Fiction and Documentaries
A Better Prod
Stephan Kriesel
Stephan KrieselInternational advisor on national economic development, sustainable transition and government reform
Gilles Berhault
Gilles BerhaultGeneral Manager
Fondations des Transitions
Naiade Plante
Naiade PlantePhotographer
Frédéric Poisson
Frédéric PoissonProgram Director
Cité des sciences et de l’industrie
Korina Gutsche
Korina GutscheGreen Consulting at BLUECHILDFILM (Germany)
Nicolas Hunsinger
Nicolas HunsingerDirector of Sustainable Development
 French Tech Unicorn Exotec
Kévin Lheritier
Kévin LheritierJournalist MEDIA +
Audrey Quoturi
Audrey Quoturi Ecoproduction Manager, VHSS Referent and teacher at the EAC
Franck Ginisty
Franck GinistyPresident of Les Hommes Fourmillent
Mohamed Settar
Mohamed SettarDirector / Director of the international festival of environmental films in Chefchaouen (Morocco)
Pascal Moret
Pascal MoretFilm festival programmer, consultant and critic
Marion Semblat
Marion SemblatPresident and Founder 
Time for The Ocean
Laurent Lesieur
Laurent Lesieur Member of the Popular Cinema of the Cinemas Les Studios de Tours. Member of the Festival Commune Planète de Tours
Sophie Mauger
Sophie MaugerMarketing consultant 
Teacher at Paris Saclay University
Alice Pigné
Alice PignéEco-production manager
Émilie Kovacs
Émilie KovacsEditor-in-Chief at TheGood
Laurent Delcayrou
Laurent DelcayrouProject Manager, The Shift Project
Caroline Darmon
Caroline DarmonCSR Director of Publicis France
Guillaume Lyonnais
Guillaume LyonnaisOperations manager
Théo Nepipvoda
Théo NepipvodaIndependant journalist
Sophie Bacry Picciotto
Sophie Bacry PicciottoScreenwriter, director, author, actress
Claire Mavrakakis
Claire MavrakakisDirector of branding consulting at Impact
Vincent Tcheng
Vincent TchengCoordinator of the Europe Division 
The Shifters
Delphine Bourgeois
Delphine BourgeoisHead of Comitment and Heritage
Lidia Terki
Lidia TerkiDirector and screenwriter
Sonia Delhaye
Sonia DelhayeWriter, scipt-writer and director
Axel Diverrez
Axel DiverrezCSR manager of Federation Studios
Anne Jeny
Anne JenyAssistant editor
Accounting in Europe
Gauthier Willion
Gauthier WillionProducer Mokafilms
Valérie Paumier
Valérie PaumierPresident and founder
Resilience Montagne